Thursday, 10 October 2013


I like to think I am reasonably computer literate. When Mr Moule started playing word games on the new pc in 1996 there was no choice but to get down with the kids and follow them on their computer relationship. Progress was steady, going from word games to Disney games to SMS to Bebo and My Sapce and Facebook.Obviously their knowledge super exceeds mine now, and Strong and Silent is studying computer science at university.

Of course I remember days before the internet and mobile phones. Our children have no concept of such a life. Imagine that (they can't). It's like me growing up without TVs and therefore having never seen Grange Hill or Play Away. Brian Cant was my first crush aged about 7. Heady days!

Nowadays in 2013 we all have a relationship with the internet. Mine is a deep and meaningful and sometimes frustrating relationship. The high point of my relationship with the internet is discovering a free WIFI zone. The luxury of being in a public place and discovering the pub/gym/restaurant/tourist attraction has WIFI is a modern day euphoria. I recently kept a count of the number of times I used the internet in one day and it came to over 50, so forgive me for getting ever such a little bit excited if I can get my fix when I'm out. I'm not sure why I needed the internet whilst I was on a tour of The Houses of Parliament but I believe it was something of a state matter.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Going Back to Bed After the School Run

Today I’ve had a day off. Not a day off work because most days are days off work for me as I work part time. Today was a day off my normal exercise routine. Every morning I get up at 7.10am and take Willy Wonka to school and am back my 8am. Then I go to the gym and do a class – either spin or aerobics or Body Pump.  Not that I really enjoy it whilst I’m doing it, but it makes me feel good and hopefully it keeps the doctor away. Wednesdays are my run only days but today I had a day off all exercise. I ran on Monday and Tuesday and done aerobics and Body Attack (killer) and spin so I decided that this old body needed a recovery day.

I didn’t have a busy day planned, just some chores to do and walk the dog. My school run is so very early that I did today what I have done a handful of times previously – I took my coffee and went back to bed, put on breakfast telly and fell back to sleep. How luxurious to do the school run in my pyjamas and ease back in to the still-warm-sheets. With Strong and Silent installed at university and being down to one dog (yes those two things happened on the same day, ouch), the house is so quiet.  This is one of the only of my Life’s Luxuries that I feel ever so slightly guilty about. Getting back in to bed when Husband left for work at the crack of dawn and is busy earning a crust to keep me in this style is not perhaps something that I should do too often,  but when I do succumb to it, boy it feels good.

My school girl brain tried to justify my action in the same way it used to when I was trying to get out of a P.E. lesson. “Well I do feel like I have a cold coming on and my throat is really sore”.  Yeah right. The truth is I wanted to be a sloth for an hour or so. It wasn’t the first time I have done it and it won’t be the last time either. I just won’t tell anyone about it.